Dog Sniffer: Free Dog Friendly Business Directory and More

Welcome to the one-stop resource for all things dog. Whether you are just looking to socialize with other K9 friends, or bark about your dog friendly business or activity, Dog Sniffer offers tools for everyone.
Apart from being the largest pet social network, also offers a variety of features with a few simple clicks:

Had a great Experience? Rate and Review Listings
All listings can be rated by others, enabling every user to "dig"/"favorite" a listing, and add a rating and review. Doing so helps other users find the best venue's from a Dog Sniffer perspective.Add A Review

Submit Your Dog Friendly Business
Submitting your business in a few simple steps. By filling out the fields, your listing page will be generated with a map of its location, your social media pages, photo gallery, hours of operation and any information you'd like to present. Add A Listing

Announce Your Event or Activity
Our "Events" section is a great place to announce dog friendly events. This can include events that are daily, monthly, weekly or just one-time events.

Upload Your Pets Medical Profiles
Another feature that may make things convenient for fellow sniffers is the options to add your dog and upload PDF attachments that you can access from your profile. This enables you to store medical records for each of your added dogs, or other documents you may need in that format.Add My Dog
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