Puppy Yoga has finally arrived in Los Angeles. We are the only yoga studio in LA offering Puppy Yoga classes and our adorable friends can’t wait to meet you!
Laughing Frog Yoga
| Neighborhood: West LA | Category: Health & Care
12217 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90025
P: (310) 985-4847Santa Monica, CA 90025
W: https://laughingfrogyoga.com/puppy-yoga-dog-yoga
Event: Puppy Yoga in the Park
at 9:30 am to 11:00 am
Admission Fee: $45
W: https://eventbrite.com/e/puppy-yoga-in-the-park-may-1st-at-10am-tickets-288141859057?aff=ebdssbdestsearchReview It