Miramar Park is situated on 1.6 acres is located at 201 Paseo de la Playa and
Calle Miramar in South Torrance. The name means “sea view” and indeed the park
is located just above Torrance Beach. Miramar was a cooperative effort by the City
of Torrance and Los Angeles County. The park itself is owned and maintained by
the City of Torrance. It was dedicated on January 11, 1984. Many years were spent
acquiring fee ownership and easements along the beach to assure access and
recreation facilities for the people of Los Angeles County. The decision was made a
long time ago to place the operation of the beaches with the County to assure
Miramar boasts many benches with view of the beach and ocean. It also has
a ramp/walkway to Torrance Beach, security lighting, and a sprinkler system. The
park contains a statue of a dolphin and a plaque which was donated by the
Torrance Historical Society designating it as the historic site of the Hollywood
Riviera Beach Club which existed from 1931 to 1958. The site was developed by a
1920’s Oregon native real estate developer, Clifford Reid who had a dream of
creating a European-style community in the South Bay. Reid wanted to develop the
coastal hills and beachfront into a replica of the European cities he and his wife had
visited. However, in 1931, as the Great Depression was taking hold, Reid finished
work on the Hollywood Riviera Club, a spectacular beach-front operation open to
everyone who bought land in the development. The historic site plaque dedication
took place on February 24, 1985.
On April 25, 1990, a “Fido Fountain” (drinking fountain designed especially
for dogs) was installed. It is designed with a basin at ground level for the comfort
of dogs whose owners have walked them on the beach. It also has a frog statue
that was donated in 2009 by former mayor Dan Walker