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Mutt Scouts

Los Angeles, CA 90017

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  • angelamcnealActive 1 year, 6 months ago
    Said on Aug 24, 2023 by angelamcneal Reply

    When my beloved dog of 12 years passed away, I never thought I would be able to get another dog. Then I started following Mutt Scouts on Instagram, and decided to go to an adoption event because they save every dog in any condition that they can. My husband and I fell in love and adopted our Hank 1 year ago. And when we decided that Hank needed a sister, we knew we wanted a Mutt Scout. Every volunteer we have dealt with has been extremely caring and constantly in touch with us throughout the process. We are so grateful for our fur kids!

We Rescue Mutts Who Need Us Most

Mutt Scouts is not a breed specific rescue. We’re dedicated to saving every dog we can, regardless of age, breed, medical or behavioral needs. We are transparent about our mutt’s needs with fosters and potential adopters to ensure that once a dog becomes a part of our organization, they will know nothing but love and safety for the rest of their lives.