Olvera Street is rich in history in the oldest part of Downtown Los Angeles, California, USA, and is part of the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic Monument. Known for it's historical signifigance, it abutted the original Chinatown, which was later removed to its modern location to make way for Union Station. There are 27 buildings of various ages still standing on Olvera Street, including the Avila Adobe (1818), the Pelanconi House (1857), and the Sepulveda House (1887).
Olvera Street / Calle Olvera
| Neighborhood: Downtown | Category: Activities
845 N Alameda St,
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Los Angeles, CA 90012
W: info@olvera-street.com
Event: Blessing of the Animals
W: https://olveraevents.com/blessing-of-animals-olvera-street
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