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Southern California Pomeranian Rescue
14252 Culver Drive
Irvine, CA 92604

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  • jimshermanActive 1 year, 7 months ago
    Said on Feb 15, 2023 by jimsherman Reply

    I have adopted two dogs from this amazing rescue! They really do their best with getting care for the dogs before adoption such as getting all of their vetting done, dentals, spay/neuters, microchip, vaccines, grooming, and anything else they need done. They are always open for communication and questions before and even long after the adoption. Trust in the adoption process and you will get matched with the perfect baby when it’s meant to be!

  • manaliActive 1 year, 7 months ago
    Said on Aug 24, 2023 by manali Reply

    Got my Roxy from them 7 years ago, great people and really checked me out. Came to my house and made sure all was good. She was AMAZING and was such family.

Did you know that SCPR is all volunteer-run and the majority of our work is paid for by individual contributions? We are not funded by the state, city, or federal government. We could not do what we do without the generous support of the public.

When you donate, you are helping us build back our medical fund that was used to help the animals we rescued over the past 12 months. Imagine the cost of taking your dog to the vet everyday x 10. We get a small 10%- 15% discount as a rescue; however, the cost is huge.

Southern California Pomeranian Rescue was recognized in 2009 as a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide medical and rehabilitative care to more than 20 sick, injured, and abandoned animals daily, while they await their forever home.

Above are pictures of the doggies that have received the care they needed in 2021.

Thank you for your support!