Veterinary Care Los Angeles

The second most important relationship for your dog may be with their vet. Veterinary Degree Key: DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine), VMD ( Veterinaria Medicina Doctoris), MVB (Medicina Veterinaria Baccalaureate), BVS (Bachelor of Veterinary Surgery), BVMS (Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery), BVetMed (Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine) or BVSc&AH (Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry).

Formerly the Hastings Animal Hospital, Sierra Madre Animal hospital in Pasadena is a highly respected veterinary hospital with a caring staff and a fu... View Listing

Larchmont Animal Clinic provides friendly, informative, and supportive services for you and your pet, while maintaining a superior working environment... View Listing

Formerly the Plaza Pet Clinic, The Animal Health Care Center is an great veterinary center in Los Angeles that offers general care for your furry frie... View Listing

Veterinary Healthcare Center is a small animal veterinary practice located in Monterey Park, California. Owned and operated by Dr. David R. Beltran. E... View Listing

Altadena Pet Hospital is a full service animal hospital providing medical care to cats, dogs, rabbits, and pocket pets. We give your special pet the a... View Listing